LASHARE Competence Center

What is the LASHARE Competence Center?

The LASHARE Competence Center (LCC) is a European network of currently 6 of the EU's most renowned laser research centres along with equipment suppliers and industrial users, focusing on the development and dissemination of innovative laser equipment in view of supporting its take up in industrial applications.

LCC shares the expertise and infrastructures of the research partners and at the same time ensures a local presence in the countries where the research partners have their facilities.

The main objective is to share knowledge on laser-based equipment and its use addressing the whole value chain end to end. As a key success factor for European manufacturing the transfer of innovative solutions from the laboratory into industrially robust products and the dissemination of its use stands at the heart of the project.

Why join the LASHARE Competence Center?

The LASHARE Competence Center in Brief:

Resources Platform

  • Share expensive analysis and measurement equipment of LCC
  • Share equipment for testing and validation with competent partners
  • Offer scientific assistance across the network

Cross-sectional Activities

  • Create and transfer knowledge about up- and downstream effects
  • Provide focused interface to standardisation activities
  • Use the platform to establish criteria for assessment of TRL

Training and Dissemination

  • Be a source of neutral equipment-specific information

From Lab to Industry

  • Guide and focus innovative equipment developments by the involvement of industrial users and the assistance of the LASHARE assessment framework
  • Offer access to expert knowledge and scientific background at LCC
  • Provide resources platform of LCC
  • Use lessons learned from the LASHARE project

Key factors for future viability of the concept

  • Be known for expertise, capability to efficiently increase TRL of equipment and ability to create return on investment
  • Attract users and suppliers to conduct new assessments